Who We Are and Our Mission
GLCACS is a Chapter of Chinese American Chemical Society (CACS). CACS is a non-profit professional organization and does not have political affiliation of regional or national bias. GLCACS covers Midwest states that include Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Minnesota, Michigan, Ohio, and Wisconsin. GLCACS Objectives are:
- To promote fellowship among Chinese American chemists, chemical engineers, and those working in related scientific areas.
- To enhance communication and professional interaction among its members.
- To provide a forum for the discussion of issues of mutual interest and concerns.
- To create opportunities for its members to share professional experiences and to participate in joint research and business ventures.
- To provide a network for mutual professional enhancement and career development.
- To provide career counseling for the young people, particularly those interested in the scientific and engineering careers.
- To encourage scholarly achievements in chemistry and chemical engineering, and to recognize individuals who have made outstanding contributions to the science and technology of chemistry and chemical engineering.
- To facilitate interactions between CACS and other scientific organizations and communities.
Organization Leadership Team
GLCACS was formed in 1997. Specifically, the Inaugural Conference was held on July 6, 1997 at Oak Brook Hills Hotel, Oak Brook, IL.
- Dr. Boh C Tsai: Founder and Second President of GLCACS
- Dr. Chunli Bai: The most prominent speaker at the annual conferences thus far. He is the President of Chinese Academy of Sciences. He gave a speech on "Development and Prospect of Chemistry in China" at the 1999 GLCACS Conference, which was held in Arlington Heights Hilton Hotel on August 28, 1999. The conference was chaired by Prof. Ralph Yang of University of Michigan.
- Letter from Dr. Marinda Li Wu, Chair for the CACS Board of Directors on April 14, 2021.